Yerusha: Zsidóság és kulturális antropológia - tudományos online folyóirat Yerusha: Zsidóság és kulturális antropológia - tudományos online folyóirat - yerusha, yerushaonline, zsidóság, mediterráneum, kelet varázsa, lebegő szigetek, kinderjohren, or-zse, online folyóirat, kulturális antropológia, olasz zsidóság, jemeni zsidóság, genizakutatás, scheiber sándor, holokauszt
The mystical, exotic world of the Orient was in the limelight in the Western hemisphere towards the end of the 19th century. The concept of the Orient is interpreted rather widely: it includes the far and the near East from a Western European perspective. Although Jewish communities have been found in the Far East since ancient times, in this column we concentrate on the past and present fate of the so-called Mizrahi (Oriental) Jews living in or originating from Arab Lands. We intend to present their unique and colorful traditions, publishing facts less known in our region.

Encounter between the Orient and the West. Orientalism in Leone Caetani’s Work. III. Caetani in the Historiographical Debate of the Early 20th Century
East - West dialectics has a more than ever urgent actuality today. Leone Caetani anticipated the potential implications of colonization that had already occurred during the occupation of Africa in the early 20th century: in his historiographic work, he focused on the ideas such as "experience" and "people" and their importance in historical research. He synthesized new historiographic concepts, such as those of "Decadenzidee", marked by the intersection of religion and democracy, ethics and politics immanent to the dialectics in the dominated – dominant relationships. He identified the only possible key to coexistence in mutual recognition that is dedicated to peace and respect.

Author: Dr. Carmen Emanuela Ragusa,PhD

Encounter between the Orient and the West. Orientalism in Leone Caetani’s Work II. Orientalism and Islamology
East - West dialectics has a more than ever urgent actuality today. Leone Caetani anticipated the potential implications of colonization that had already occurred during the occupation of Africa in the early 20th century: in his historiographic work, he focused on the ideas such as "experience" and "people" and their importance in historical research. He synthesized new historiographic concepts, such as those of "Decadenzidee", marked by the intersection of religion and democracy, ethics and politics immanent to the dialectics in the dominated – dominant relationships. He identified the only possible key to coexistence in mutual recognition that is dedicated to peace and respect.

Author: Dr. Carmen Emanuela Ragusa, PhD

Encounter between the Orient and the West. Orientalism in Leone Caetani’s Work I.
East - West dialectics has a more than ever urgent actuality today. Leone Caetani anticipated the potential implications of colonization that had already occurred during the occupation of Africa in the early 20th century: in his historiographic work, he focused on the ideas such as "experience" and "people" and their importance in historical research. He synthesized new historiographic concepts, such as those of "Decadenzidee", marked by the intersection of religion and democracy, ethics and politics immanent to the dialectics in the dominated – dominant relationships. He identified the only possible key to coexistence in mutual recognition that is dedicated to peace and respect.

Author: Dr. Carmen Emanuela Ragusa, PhD

Jemeni zsidó nők Izraelben: 1948 – tól napjainkig
In her essay the author provides a thorough analysis of changes in the status of Jewish women who immigrated to Israel from Yemen. The transition of Yemenite women from a traditional-religious society to a western-secular society is marked by certain ambivalence. A change occurred in their status and in their gender roles and they became integrated both economically and socially. However, the new values underwent a certain degree of filtration as they accepted some elements while rejecting others.

Author: Prof. Rachel Sharaby

Esőkérő imák a zsidó liturgiában és a hagyományos irodalomban
Prayers and supplications for rain in Jewish liturgy and in the Talmud Water, this unique chemical substance in itself has been present in our world since the Creation and it is essential for all types of life. The importance of water and water resources is obviously reflected in Judaism, both in our traditional literature and in our everyday and festive liturgy. In this essay the author gives a detailed overview of different prayers and supplications for rain in Jewish liturgy, and by providing their talmudic background she gives a thourough analysis of the time and the seasons of the various insertions and the main piyyut on Shmini Atzeret, the so-called ’Tfilat haGeshem’, i.e. ’Prayer for Rain’. Following this exploration, the author enumarates some miraculous talmudic stories connected to supplications for rain by a certain righteous person, a tzadik, including the legendary figure of Honi Hameagel (the circle drawer). Finally a famous story of Yemenite tradition about the miraculous effect of Rabbi Shalom Shabazi’s piyyutim is presented.

Author: Dr. Kárpáti Judit, PhD

Megillath Ruth in the Liturgy of Shavuot and Its Message in the 21st Century
Reading portions from the Holy Scripture is as important in Jewish liturgy as prayers. In fact, the tradition of public readings is more ancient than public prayers, which replaced sacrifices in the Holy Temple. We know from the Tanakh itself that public Tora readings were introduced short after the return from the Babylonian Exile, during the time of Nehemiah. Beside the Tora, i.e. the five books or better to say the five scrolls of Moses, there are five other scrolls, megilloth that also take very important roles in Jewish liturgy: Kohelet (Ecclesiates), Megillat Esther, Shir Hashirim (Song of Songs), Megillat Ruth and Eicha (Lamentation). Each megilla contribute greatly to the solemnity of a certain feast or in the case of Eicha to the deepness of the public fast on Tisha beAv.

Author: Dr. Judit Karpati, PhD

The Importance of the Religious Poetry of Rav Shalom Shabazi in the Liturgy of the Yemenite Jews
In her article the author draws attention to one of the greatest Jewish poets of the seventeenth century, who lived outside of the Western cultural circle and thus – despite his sublime poetry – he is not very well–known even among Jews. The Cabbalistic poems, the piyyutim and the kinot of this immortal Yemenite rabbi, Rav Shalom Shabazi have been cherished in the hearts of his people even until the 21st century, although his poetry could not enter the Yemenite prayer books due the local prohibition against reciting piyyutim in synagogues. Beyond the known or supposed facts of Shabazi’s life, works and liturgical importance, the author’s intention was to explore the social – historical background of the poet’s era.

Author: Dr. Judit Karpati, PhD
