Yerusha: Zsidóság és kulturális antropológia - tudományos online folyóirat Yerusha: Zsidóság és kulturális antropológia - tudományos online folyóirat - yerusha, yerushaonline, zsidóság, mediterráneum, kelet varázsa, lebegő szigetek, kinderjohren, or-zse, online folyóirat, kulturális antropológia, olasz zsidóság, jemeni zsidóság, genizakutatás, scheiber sándor, holokauszt
The Past, the Present and the Future of the Rabbinical Seminary
Prof. Dr. Oláh János, PhD
This essay is the written version of Prof. Olah’s lecture held at the Jubilee Conference on 4 – 5th September 2017, organized by the MAZSIHISZ (Alliance of the Jewish Communities of Hungary) on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the Law of Emancipation and the 140th anniversary of the inauguration of the Rabbinical Seminary. The author is analyzing the different periods – prosperous and declining – during the 140 years of the renowned Jewish institute on the basis of the Oriental perception of time. He gives an overview of its revival following the tragedy of the Shoah and its promising, multi-faceted present. The analysis follows the time periods defined by the personality and the scholarly activities of the actual leader in charge of the institution

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