Yerusha: Zsidóság és kulturális antropológia - tudományos online folyóirat Yerusha: Zsidóság és kulturális antropológia - tudományos online folyóirat - yerusha, yerushaonline, zsidóság, mediterráneum, kelet varázsa, lebegő szigetek, kinderjohren, or-zse, online folyóirat, kulturális antropológia, olasz zsidóság, jemeni zsidóság, genizakutatás, scheiber sándor, holokauszt
The objective of this online journal is to promote knowledge and awareness of the deeply rooted historical and modern values of Jewish culture, which includes, beyond the rich European traditions, the colourful Near Eastern Jewish life, their past splendour and contemporary predicaments, the Sephardic and Italian Jewish heritage and the unique world of the Jews living on different islands, especially in the Caribbean Sea.

We publish scholarly yet accessible articles on new research findings less familiar to the Hungarian reader.

Our authors are lecturers, researchers and museum curators from diverse academic disciplines, such as theology, history, musicology, literature and linguistics. They are united in their commitment to open up to a wider audience the treasure trove of the European, Near Eastern, Sephardic and Italian Jewish culture.
